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A home-based business focused on delivering the best racquet stringing service

east of the GTA.

Brian Bulla


"Yours truly, enjoying my other!

For those with a keen eye, I managed to escape

the 17th at TPC Sawgrass with a respectable 5

after putting my first in the water."

My name is Brian Bulla, and I am the owner of Stringways Racquet Service. 

I began working in the racquet sports industry in 1990 in a racquet specialty shop in London, Ontario.  Stringing up to 15 racquets a day for nearly 10 years, I learned all the ins and outs of stringing all makes and models of frames and strings for badminton, squash and tennis.  With top juniors such as Andrew Nisker (former ATP Tour player), and the Mens Western Squash team as frequent customers, I’ve had the pleasure of stringing for some of the best players in Canada.

The last 10 years have been spent stringing for family and friends, and in 2012 I realized there was a need for my expertise and knowledge in the Durham Region.  I’m not a pro stringing racquets…..I’m a racquet stringing professional.  That is what sets my services apart from the others.  If you need advice in helping to choose the right string for you, all my stringing comes with a consultation to help find the best string to match your game and choice of racquet.

Contact me if you have any questions.  I am always happy to talk stringing.

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